Why Use Command Targets?
Command Targets are used in shooting sports training to introduce randomization and hone the reaction time of the shooter. The TRT and our Command Targets step up the level of training from traditional, repetitive, and boring static bulls-eye target shooting to become significantly more dynamic, random, and movement-oriented with a focus on improving your reaction time to target engagement under increasing time pressure.
We’ve created a new brand of command targets that maximize the effectiveness of the Target Reaction Trainer while providing updates to printed paper targets the shooting sports industry should have made years ago.
Learn more below or check out our Bulls-Eye and Silhouette targets now.
match the difficulty to you
Large area bulls-eye and silhouettes - for a little more time between trigger squeezes:
For a newer shooter that needs more time to line up the sights
For an experienced shooter who’s pushing the target out to test their accuracy under speed and time pressure at a distance
Large area silhouettes - for combat effective hits in close quarters:
Practice defensive shooting techniques such as engaging from concealment, extending out from high compressed ready, and the real world scenario of multiple threat engagements
Dial in reaction time with increasing levels of speed in CQB scenario shooting while keeping those hits in a combat effective hit area
Practice Failure Drills with the added difficulty of randomization and time pressure
Small area bulls-eye - for intentional focused training.
For an experienced shooter who wants to work through fundamentals on a row by row basis while gaining speed and improving reaction time
For an experienced shooter who wants to challenge the peak of their abilities by using the whole page at once rather than just a single row at a time. Put a round in each of the multiple matching colors on the target page for each color set the TRT shows
target improvements
Circles Sized for Splatter Targets - splatter targets are a great training tool for instant feedback of shot placement. Getting the splatter target sticker right in the center of the silhouette rarely happens. We’ve added circles that align with the common 1”, 2”, 3”, and 6” splatter target sticker diameters for the perfect placement every time.
Zeroing/Practice Bulls-Eyes - sometimes you want to warm up a little before you get into your intentional focused training. Our 2 x 2 silhouette target includes a black and white center bulls-eye and our large bulls-eye targets include a pair of smaller central bulls-eyes to let you get a few shots in before diving into your training.
Head Shot Dot - surprisingly a lot of silhouette targets don’t include a head shot dot. We wanted to be sure to include a bold dot for rapid target acquisition and sight alignment.
Fold Lines for Rows - targets with multiple rows of bulls-eyes are a great bang for the buck because you get a lot of targets per page, but that last row or two can have you effectively aiming at the floor. We’ve added horizontal fold lines so you can work through a row and then easily fold the target over to bring that next row back up to high center chest level.
Edge Fold Lines - at most indoor ranges we found that targets mounted to a cardboard panel just at the top center of the page tend to let the page flop over at the sides and that frustrated us but it also inspired a change. Also, rolled up targets tend to want to stay rolled up, leaving the bottom of the page curled up and distorting the targets near the bottom edge.
For quite a long time now, we’ve had a custom of folding over a bend at the top and bottom of our targets to provide additional stability at the range to give a little extra stiffness to the page. Folding the side edges also helps eliminate the curl from a rolled up target. We’ve added simple fold lines to help make those tasks a little easier. A seemingly minor thing, but makes life a little easier.
Be sure to check out our Bulls-Eye and Silhouette target pages to see more.